
Showing posts from 2010

Day Two - and counting

So, it was really difficult to get back on the diet bandwagon yesterday.  When you've let yourself slip to grab some popcorn here, and starches and carbs there; a few sweets thrown in for good measure, it requires a real kick in the ass to resurrect some self discipline. However, it's back baby! And while I can't say it's back with a vengeance, me sitting here in my size 10 jeans with a muffin top hanging over the edge is motivation enough to say, "Bring on the veggies and egg whites!" So, I was dutiful today and have stayed within the Bernstein proteins, 16 oz veggies, 2 melba toasts, an apple and 1 Jello cup, with lots of water and decaf coffee, which is making my heart happy. Yup, I'm actually feeling a bit of the hunger pang starting to develop (so I know I'm in the right zone.) I've pulled out the Daily Multi vitamin; picked up some Vit B complex pills at the pharmacy; taking a few Senokot S with my meals (wow - was that a shock when...

Okay - back to basics

Wow - I actually had a day off today and spent some time on the computer, and I realized I haven't posted on the blog since - what - May!  Oh my - that won't do. Well, a moment to reflect and confess.  I did get down to 143 since my last posting, but I'm now up to 160.  I know - 20 lbs over the summer and fall.  I tell you, it's been quite a lesson in weight mis-management. I even tried to get back on strict at the clinic in September, but failed miserably in large part due to my hectic work/travel schedule.  It's brutal trying to stick to strict when you're traveling outside of a Bernstein-zone where you can't get to a clinic every other day for your shots, and trying to eat in restaurants or you can't take your own foods with you due to no fridge. It's also ridiculous to think that I can eat what I want, when I want, and not pack on the pounds.  I mean really - bread, starches, wine/booze - you just can't win with those in the house.  For...

On no! Bikini season is upon us...

and I'm again 10 lbs heavier. Geesh! It is truly amazing how old eating habits creep us to bite you in your ever-expanding ass if you don't constantly keep those foods that wreak havoc with your body in check.  Bread - bad (for me.)   Pasta, rice, potatoes...rum and coke (even Coke Zero!) So, it will be back to the strict diet for me.  I'm not going to go running back to the Bernstein Clinic right away.  I'll pull out my diet sheets from some earlier posting and haul my butt to Loblaws to restock the fridge and get my evil environmentally degrading Ziploc Steamer Bags chock full of 8 oz veggie delights and 7 oz (lovingly split equally in 3 portions) protein portions ready. I am determined to get back to 140 lbs - if it kills me. Wish me luck!

I did it! Now maintaining it....

Okay, so I reached 139 and decided rather than fork out another $150, I'd go on my own.  I'm maintaining 143 give or take, and I think that's where my body is most comfortable.  Once I get back into a regular eating routine again, I seem to stabilize there. So, I'm keeping up my 16 oz vegetable/amalgam routine, and watching the fats/carbs, and staying busy.  That makes a difference. Plus, I told the Easter bunny to take a hike, so without any chocolate tempting my lips, I'm doing alright. I was in the gardens this past weekend too with the amazing spring weather, and did a lot of work.  Last summer I would have to take a break every 10 minutes due to lightheadedness when I would do physically demanding activities.  Now I have the energy (and some extra calories) to sustain a  full afternoon of outdoor work. Maybe my garden with be a little better maintained this year! As an added bonus - and incentive to stay healthy - my hubby carved out an 8 x 1...

I'm on my way!

What a thrill to see on Friday that I'm back to a solid 142 - yahoo!  I was quite perturbed last week with the plateau of 146...I just wasn't budging. I've found for me, that I'm fine with protein in the morning and lunch, but I can't have it at night.  If I do, it seems to slow progress down. So, I have my Proti Vanilla shake with 5 oz strawberries in the morning; sometimes have a Bon Matin slice of NoFat/No Sugar whole wheat bread (very similar to my husband's Bon Matin 14 grain bread) which is half the calories of my husband's brand.  My full slice ties me over - or I'll save it for lunch with my 100gr PC honey maple turkey. For supper, I'll load up on the veggies - a nice 16oz heap of zuccini, bean sprouts, mushrooms (enoki are my current fav), celery, broccoli and cauliflower with soya sauce, fresh garlic and ginger.  Yum!!  A heaping flavourful plate of goodness. I must say, on Tune Up, and having been on the program before, I'm n...

Embarking on Week 2 - Tune Up Progress

Well, from 152.6 to 146.2, I'm well on my way to reaching next week's target of 144. I was traveling for work this week, so I had to remember how to survive while away from my routine. I really found the first week a challenge to get strict again, but with my trusty pee-sticks on hand at home, I was monitoring and it only took 48 hours for my body to kick in. Nothing like having your body tell you in only a matter of a few hours "Yeah, you're fat - I'm burning it off already." It's humbling.... I went from my first weigh in at 152.6 (gasp!) to a 4 lb drop in two days. Water bien sur, but it's so motivating to see that initial big loss. I did find the first few days hard. I swear once you start eating refined sugar again your body truly craves it. It took me a few days to really push away the bad foods, but once you get back into your clean food and routine, I don't crave it or get lured by it. And that's a hard thing to do with t...

Day 3 of Tune Up

Well, I'm into Day 3 of the Tune Up and all is well. I'm starting to feel the little hunger pangs again, but it took a full 2 days to get into ketosis - and that's only a high 1/low 2 burn. I'm down 4 pounds since Wednesday though (it's now Friday) but I know it is mainly the water that was retained from all the salt and chemicals lining up to exit. I must say though, the B Vitamin injections sure do work. I remember waking up in the morning thinking that was the best full night sleep I've had in a long time - and I'm back to the once hourly like clockwork pee breaks. I have such a nice healthy glow - and the weight is dropping off again. Horray! I am so thankful to the folks who have registered on the program and dropped my name - I have two free weeks to help me along on the Tune Up. Thank you ladies! I'm hoping to push myself into the 130's so I'm planning on being on the program a full month. My goal? 135 lbs this time - a good sol...

Back to the Clinic - L'Esplanade Ottawa

It was actually quite nice to go back into the clinic. They all know me (Hi Helen!) and we just slid back into the routine. I felt like I was in an episode of Cheers - just substitute the beer for a Proti vanilla shake. Not quite the same, but.... I felt a little chagrined, though, when I stepped back on the scale. They had my chart out, with my sheet from December, when I was last in for Maintenance. I left at I ws at 152. Yikes! now, to be fair, I had jeans on, so really it was 150. Still - I felt embarassed. I'm always so impressed with the nurses at my clinic. They don't shake their heads in disgust - condemn you for gaining a few pounds. Instead I found myself apologizing profusely that I gained the weight since December - a full 10 lbs! - so I wanted to nip it in the bud before I go down the slippery slope of obesity. The receptionist just smiled knowingly (I mean, 90% of them are on the program as well, so they know the pull of temptation) and remar...

Tune Up Required

Well, I've come to the realization that I just can't be left to my own devices, and that I can't let my husband do the grocery shopping... I've crept back on 8 lbs since my last post last month. I wanted to see what would happen if I just lived life as I wanted. I had beef a few times a week; an extra glass of wine with dinner; desserts (full portion, not just a sliver), etc. Wow - that was a learning experience. Within two weeks my pants were getting tighter again, and I could even see the layer of fat under my skin start to fill out. Life as science. So, as a friend of mine said she wants to join Bernstein to lose the 30 lbs that have crept on over the last 5 years, I've decided I'll go back in for the Tune Up program. The quick "lose 10 lbs" in a week or two deal. I kind of missed the urinalysis - the good morning chat at the clinic - the B6/12 healthy glow. I've called and going back in on Tuesday for weigh-in. Ahhhhh.... :-)

A hairy situation

For those of you who have followed my Bernstein Diet Chronicles from the beginning, then you likely stumbled upon my musings about my thinning hair and hair loss. It struck me a few mornings ago, as I was readying myself for work, how my hair looked like I had had a lot of new growth peeking through my longer lengths. Jetting at the top of my head, and along my hairline on my forehead, are masses of short tufts. At first I thought my daughter took a some scissors to my hair when I slept (wouldn't put it past her...!) until I realized, it must just be the new hair growth from the masses that broke and fell out during the program. A little disconcerting, but glad to see that it's coming back, and didn't leave me forever. My hair is feeling thicker. As my hair stylist friend noted (who was also on the program years ago) the thyroid takes a beating with the rapid weight loss, and hair loss is common for many people. Still. If I had known that before signing up for the program...

Helen's doing the happy dance!

Well - I'm doing the happy dance today.  While I'm still oscillating between 143 and 146 (I think mainly due to the odd Diet Coke and other miscellaneous Aspartame doses that meld water to my thighs quicker than white on rice...) I went to Value Village today for a treasure hunt. What did I find?  Wow - lots of skirts that my wardrobe was sorely lacking and a couple of jackets (cool funky ones!) to keep my new wardrobe growing.  I was jumping for joy when I was still able to fit in the 7/8 skirts - and my jackets are 8 or medium. I still can't believe how just 9 months ago, I was perusing the aisles at Value Village (at that time, trying to find clothes for a costume for a play I was in) but couldn't find anything in the 18-20 size - and getting so frickin' frustrated with myself.  Now I'm shopping there just to find the oh-so-inexpensive treasures such as Danier, Liz Clairborne, Laura, MEXX, Gap, Tommy Hilfiger, Roots and loads of others great clothes for a ...

Little Learnings Through the Bernstein Diet

I work in Aboriginal issues, and when we consult with communities, I love the roundtable, open-circle approach to discussing issues. The knowledge, wisdom, perspectives and realistic solutions from individuals is enlightening and refreshing. As I reflect on Bernstein and its impact on my life, I want to take that open-circle approach. So I have the talking stick: here are my thoughts. Sugar is poison Salt is evil I don't need to eat as much as I thought I did. We (I as chef) relied on starches and meat to fill the void; processed white breads and sugar-laden products. I'm keeping the preferred products, and in the process of mapping out for each member of the family portions/foods and a new approach to meal planning that balances out what we're eating and how much. The program has given me the opportunity to stop the bus, do some research, evaluate my relationship with food, and what food I want to have in my life. I always admired high performance athletes who would say...

January 12th and counting...

Well, the time has passed when we're officially into the New Year and the resolution to modify our behaviour and habits has either taken root or been carted to the curb with the remnants of the holidays. I'm happy to report that I'm still on track - though not without some challenges. I agree with another Facebook Dr. Bernstein client "Chef Michelle" that Maintenance is not easy. It's a real challenge to face the portion control on your own - particularly after the holidays. I spent time on Sunday grocery shopping, cutting, measuring and packaging my veggies and breads and meats, but I find myself sneaking carbs left right and centre aisle.... What is wrong with me? I don't even feel hungry yet my hand reaches out for a cookie or a handful of nacho chips (multigrain mind you) like I'm a frog's tongue instinctively snatching some fleeting prey before it escapes. I didn't do that on the program! I knew better. I had the willpower. Why is it...

Post-Holiday Reality Check

Well, what a test we had over the holidays. I wanted to see how I'd be with all the food, drink and general temptation all around during the holidays. For the most part I did pretty well, although Ferrero Rocher chocolates are evil...! However, as my scale revealed a few days ago, I'm up to 147...a full 5 lbs higher than pre-Christmas maintenance weigh-in. Uh oh....! So, as we are taught to do on the Bernstein diet, it's back to basics for me. No 4 oz glass of wine for another month; gone are the 1/2 cup portions of potatoes, rice and pasta, and certainly no more corn or carrots. Actually, I can honestly say with all the hedonism over the holidays, I need a bit of a flushing out. The salt, butter and preservatives...I actually feel weighed down. So, before the extra poundage turns to 10 lbs, I'm back on strict - but just by myself at home. I'm going to do it on my own. I think...I hope. I've already announced to my husband that cookies and treats must be b...