Day 2 and using the new APP

When I first started Bernstein in 2009, I had to hop in my car, find parking, pray that I plugged the meter enough, wait in the clinic and rush to work.

Today, with the pandemic changes, I'm happily on the At Home program for the diet.

Apart from having to find bloodwork vampires for regular bloodwork and reporting, I think I'm finally ready to knock this weight off.  

It's also reaffirming that my 22 year old son, who's getting back into healthy eating and working out, has lovingly offered to slap any malfeasance foods out of my hands, to support my success.

Ahh kids...!

Apart from finding the time to prep my meals and have enough variety to keep me from eating my weiner dogs, then all should be well.

Day 2 and feeling fine!

See you in a week.


Unknown said…
I find that I still track on paper, but use the app to upload weight pictures and search for foods. So, I’m using a hybrid method at the moment. I’m so glad this program can be done from home now — it’s great! It sounds like things are going well for you. Here’s to having another successful week.

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