A hairy situation - Part II
Okay - I've been nervous about the thinning hair experience I had in my last major go-round. So, I've pulled out the NIOXIN and have started using it again. I've been feeling a slight thinning texture to my hair. After one-week though, this stuff seems to be combating the problem and helping add volume and thickness to my hair. Is it stimulating hair growth? I'm not sure - but hopefully it's staving off hair loss. That would not be good... No - this is not me, but is a Nioxin client. I learned about this product from my hairdresser who was also a Bernstein client years ago and recommended Nioxin. She swears by it. Little did I know that rapid weight loss causes hair thinning. According to the Nioxin website (see http://nioxin.com/en-US/the-causes-and-the-facts-page.aspx?id=236 ) "What you eat can play a significant role in hair thinning. A high consumption of animal fats, rapid weight loss and liquid protein diets can result in a lac...