Halitosis, and other great side effects

I was most intrigued to learn that ketosis, or the fat burned, seems to actually cause bad breath.

Luckily I've never had a problem previously, due to my thrice-daily brushing and flossing ritual.  

However, about 6 weeks into the diet I noticed my breath was no longer minty-fresh. What to do?

As I learned, the ketones/fat burned through are excreted through perspiration, urine, and exhaled breath. Apparently (and I can attest to my own personal experience) ketones are very unpleasant smelling.

I liken it to an elderly person's breath who wears their dentures for two weeks straight without cleaning or rinsing. Believe me - it's a tear-jerker!

The build up of ketones in your blood is called . If you have diabetes, are on a low calorie diet, or if you have inadequate carbohydrate intake, Ketones can build up in your blood to levels which result in Halitosis.

What can you do?

Well, keep up the regular oral hygiene (or step it up if you're a little lax in that department) and use a bit of Scope throughout the day, or before that important meeting with your boss about a raise...

While I first freaked out thinking that the alcohol (since its verboten on the diet) is a key ingredient, the nurses assured me that since it's in the mouth for such a short period of time, it doesn't have enough time to absorb in the body to affect ketosis.

So, bad breath plaguing you? Add a swig of scope or two - that'll cure what ails ya.


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