Week 15 - down 46 lbs and counting
Finally, I found Betty Lite bread... it took 15 weeks, but I managed to find it. The elusive 100% whole wheat bread that yields you 2 full slices per day (more tangible food than any other bread item) can be found in Ottawa at the Produce Depot on Carling Ave, or at the Independent Grocer on Bank Street by Hunt Club. It's not on the Gatineau side, that's for sure. What a nice change it is to finally have some toast for breakfast, or a cold cut sandwich for lunch. Mmmmmm I was quite tired this week though. It may have been the combination of work burnout and just waiting for vacation to come, or the diet. I was being lazy and taking my K-Lite tablets twice daily. However, the nurse on Friday told me to break it up quarterly - the K-Lite is so fast acting that my body probably needs he more frequent intake throughout the day to help with the energy level. I'm not so sure about that. It's Saturday today, and my first day of vacation. I'm still feeling quit...