
Happy New Year! 2025

 Okay - 2025 to 2030 Vision Board goal. Reach my 140 lb goal weight - again! This time I’m not going o rely on Bernstein. Every time those injectibles come in the mail, and the credit card charge and phone rings for the weekly nurse touch-base call, I shudder. The daily task of entering the meal portions, exercise, etc... between my business, I don’t have that kind of time! I know  should, I need to, but I can’t. So I need to relearn what works for me and just do it.

Day 2 and using the new APP

When I first started Bernstein in 2009, I had to hop in my car, find parking, pray that I plugged the meter enough, wait in the clinic and rush to work. Today, with the pandemic changes, I'm happily on the At Home program for the diet. Apart from having to find bloodwork vampires for regular bloodwork and reporting, I think I'm finally ready to knock this weight off.   It's also reaffirming that my 22 year old son, who's getting back into healthy eating and working out, has lovingly offered to slap any malfeasance foods out of my hands, to support my success. Ahh kids...! Apart from finding the time to prep my meals and have enough variety to keep me from eating my weiner dogs, then all should be well. Day 2 and feeling fine! See you in a week.

Hopping back in the saddle again...!

Wow - it's a little chagrining to see my physical state-of-play 14 years after my first foray with Dr. Bernstein. I'm the heaviest I've ever been, and enough is enough. At my heaviest in July 2022: weighing in at a mighty 230 lbs.  I just can't take it anymore.   I'm 54 years old and dreading going clothing shopping, when I'm maxing out at the 2X size for tops and sweaters, and size 18/20 for pants.  How did this happen - again?! Okay, so after retiring from public service in 2012, I embarked on my own consulting business.  Amazing success and rewarding work, but the stress, long hours, travel and the regular challenges of business ownership have resulted in zero time for work/life balance.   Not a good executive I guess: I haven't managed to implement that aspect of my life.  I don't even blame the pandemic for my weight gain: I've just been totally consumed with my work, and ingesting the stress of it all - and of my clients, their issues, etc. Tha...

So how did I fare after 2 years...?

Well, the ultimate test of my willpower and ability to stay away from those pitfall foods and manage stress shows is evidenced in the photos.  I'm at my heaviest - 214 - and am rejoining my Ottawa clinic on January 5th. Enough is enough! While I have tried to restart a few times, the last two years were very stressful and active.  I left my job to start my own consulting business, and also work in a very emotionally charged field of anti-human trafficking.  Suffice to say, having the luxury to spend a large amount of time for myself and on my personal health needs was not front and centre. However, enough is enough. I had to bag up all of my beautiful clothes that I purchased when I reached my previous goal weight of 140 lbs/Size 8/10, give them away and over the last 2 years, replenish my closet with 12, 14, 16, 18 and the odd size 20 items.  It was heart breaking.   I was just elated when I bought gorgeous clothes from JCrew - received compliments fr...

It's becoming crunch time - and I'm scared...

Okay, so remember when I said I am part of my BFF's wedding in August.  Well, I ordered the dress with a size 30 waist...and I'm currently at 36" in my waist. The dress - but with a champagne sash - d-gorgeous! $*%&!! I have been so bad with my diet over the last month - just eating what I want and my weight be damned. So, tomorrow I'll be hauling my butt to the clinic for a marathon 30 lb weight-loss challenge to ensure I fit into my bloody beautiful dress.  No more BBQ, wine (which given my Canada Day pre-festivities party yesterday, I don't need the hangover!) or eating with abandon.  I'm back on strict and going to look hot for that wedding. If anyone is joining a clinic, feel free to mention my name and clinic (Bank/L'Esplanade in Ottawa) - I'm happy to get a free week to help me through the financial hump and kick-start my motivation! Cheers - and here comes the bride - smaid.

Renewed Pith and Vinegar (white only, thanks...)

I did so well for a few weeks - honestly! I was down 12 pounds, then sabotaged it with a glorious party.  Why is it so hard to be strict now? Well, rather than bemoan my lack of willpower lately, I had to go pay for the bridesmaid dress for my friend's August wedding.  A $300 incentive (for a gorgeous gown) in size 12 (which in the bridal world means a size 8...have you seen those corsets?!)  has me staying strict to the letter.  I can't afford not to fit into the dress when there will be no way to get a new one before the wedding when it arrives. So - I'm down 15 lbs since the last week and half.  170 again - on my way to 140 by July 30th.  Totally doable! Okay, so I have a plan. I rejoined the clinic last week, but finally got in to see my family physician today.  Now, if it's anything like the rest of Canada, it takes me 3 months to get an appointment here in Gatineau.  Craziness...! She knew I was on the Dr. B program a few years ago...

A hairy situation - Part II

Okay - I've been nervous about the thinning hair experience I had in my last major go-round.  So, I've pulled out the NIOXIN and have started using it again. I've been feeling a slight thinning texture to my hair.  After one-week though, this stuff seems to be combating the problem and helping add volume and thickness to my hair. Is it stimulating hair growth?  I'm not sure - but hopefully it's staving off hair loss.  That would not be good... No - this is not me, but is a Nioxin client. I learned about this product from my hairdresser who was also a Bernstein client years ago and recommended Nioxin.  She swears by it.  Little did I know that rapid weight loss causes hair thinning.  According to the Nioxin website (see ) "What you eat can play a significant role in hair thinning. A high consumption of animal fats, rapid weight loss and liquid protein diets can result in a lac...