
Showing posts from September, 2011

Back with some renewed pithe and vinegar (just white please.)

Well, as I read over the last scant entries over the past year or so, I'm bemused and humbled by my weight loss journey. Since reaching my BMI in Sept 2009 of 140, I reached 180 lbs (I know, I know!) in August of this year. Call it dietary laziness and greed.  I reverted back to my same old bad habits and paid for it dearly. Back came the unlimited quantities of wine and spirits - especially during the summers around the pool.  Be damned were the healthy portions and food selections, when pizza and carbs abounded in the work cafeteria. It's amazing how arrogant you become when you shed the pounds, look and feel great, and think that you're invincible to the almighty calorie. So, after spending this summer feeling ugly in my own skin - with back flab and muffin-top rolls casting an unsightly silhouette on my bikini-clad frame, I enrolled back on the strict diet. As you faithful readers know, I dabbled back on and off Bernstein a few times over the last year.  I...