Tune Up Required
Well, I've come to the realization that I just can't be left to my own devices, and that I can't let my husband do the grocery shopping... I've crept back on 8 lbs since my last post last month. I wanted to see what would happen if I just lived life as I wanted. I had beef a few times a week; an extra glass of wine with dinner; desserts (full portion, not just a sliver), etc. Wow - that was a learning experience. Within two weeks my pants were getting tighter again, and I could even see the layer of fat under my skin start to fill out. Life as science. So, as a friend of mine said she wants to join Bernstein to lose the 30 lbs that have crept on over the last 5 years, I've decided I'll go back in for the Tune Up program. The quick "lose 10 lbs" in a week or two deal. I kind of missed the urinalysis - the good morning chat at the clinic - the B6/12 healthy glow. I've called and going back in on Tuesday for weigh-in. Ahhhhh.... :-)